Clubhouse Tribute Speech


Tom and Mary Jane moved here in 1988 when he was just about getting ready to retire. He offered to be of service to the Board of Directors when that time came.


So, they took him up on his offer. After serving 2 years on the

Board of Directors, he graciously took over the Paint Committee.

Well, he was the paint committee and the iron fence committee.

He did a marvelous job for the 10 years that I served on the board

and has continued to do so since.


Though his reports couldddddddddddd last a little while, they were as thorough as a financial report for a large corporation would have been.


Through the loss of his wife, Mary Jane and some illness on his part, he has been dedicated to ensuring that we stay on schedule and on target AND on budget.


Do you know what it takes to do the job he has done? He’s at it everyday, making sure everyone (the painters) showed up to work and on time. He has spent many a day crawling through our shrubs and yards checking the iron fences for the work that needed to be done, then, following up with you to make sure the work had been done correctly.


In all the years that I worked with Tom, I don’t believe I ever heard Tom complain about his role, the painting company or the homeowner’s, well, maybe some of the homeowner’s.


We will miss his work ethic and dedication to East Lake Shores, we will forever miss him in our parades, but most of all, we will miss him.


Thank you Tom!