Wahhh!  Oh yes, many a tear was shed this morning...not by the little man, but by his mama...along with all the other parents....big dark sunglasses were the statement of the day.

Christian was not Mr Sunshine this morning when he woke up.  It took a little nudging, not to mention a goodie bag at the breakfast table, filled with pencils, a globe, an alarm clock and other miscellaneous items that every student must have.

Mommy had to choke back a couple of tears after he put on his uniform.  He looked so big, but so little to be going off on his own.

Before his photo shoot, we said a prayer for his strength and peace, and for Mommy's and all the other kindergartners starting this day.  Ashley was mentioned as one of the kindergartners and Christian had to stop to clarify that she was going to kindergarten and not preK.  Somehow her first day solidified his own day and he straightened up.

Then it was a succession of poses inside, outside and then on to school. 

Pulling his rolling backpack behind him, he strolled over to the flagpole like he owned the place.  For the next 20 minutes, in 91 degree heat, Christian played social butterfly, excuse me, social dragonfly.  He flittered, I mean strolled from one line to the next, meeting and greeting old chums.  He stopped for a couple of photo ops and then moved on.   No two were alike, some had on khakis, some had the blue shorts on.  Some had the white shirt, or the gray, or the royal blue or like Chris, the light blue.  Tomorrow is Chapel, which means everyone will be in Royal Blue shirt and Khakis...which means another photo op!   

Finally the welcome announcement began, along with the pledge of alliance to the American Flag, to the Christian Flag (I finally figured out why he says "believe" instead of "amen" at the end of his prayers - it's because of this pledge which ends in "I believe") and to the Holy Bible. 

FINALLY, it was on to the classroom.  I kissed him and hugged him and told him that I would walk with him to the classroom and then leave from the door.  He looked so big walking in line with his backpack which was now resting on his shoulders.  I was fighting back the tears.  Thank goodness for those black sunglasses.  A lot of us tried to play off the tears as sweat.

In the classroom, they all rolled their backpacks to the back of the room and then went to find their seats.  Christian had a moment of panic when he couldn't locate his name.  That was because he was looking in the back of the class and his place was in the very front.  Boy, girl, boy, girl - Andi, Ashley will be happy to know Christian is sitting next to "Ariel".

After roll call, the parents dispersed.  I was able to get in one more hug and kiss and one kissing hand for us both.  Just as I was trying to get up, he stopped me and said "I'm sick".  My stomach dropped.  Here was the moment I was dreading.  I said, "Honey, you're fine.  You're going to have a great day.  It's going to be good".  He said, "No, I'm sick".  What to do?  "No, you are fine", I said.  And then he said, "No, LIPSTICK?".  He was asking if I had left any evidence of my affection on his cheek!!!  Wehhh!

I assured him he was fine and with a wave of the hand, he turned his attention to the front of the room.

WAhhhhh!  I guess I couldnt have it both ways, but a little tearful wave would have been okay.

I left with all the parents, most of use replacing our sunglasses.  Literally, parents were falling apart as they passed the door.  I met Jena, Hailey's mom, in the middle of the hallway, as she was leaving Hailey, and we hugged and broke into tears, just as the principal approached.  He laughed and told us "Ladies, I promise we will take good care of them".

Dick told me to take the day off and the day seemed to drag by.  I ran errands and arrived back at school at 1:30 for the 2:00 dismissal.  I stood across the street so that I could get him on video as he came out.  He was second in line and for a moment, there was panic on his face.  I waved my hand, and his face just broke out in a huge grin and he started jumping up and down.  I ran across the crosswalk and he was already starting to talk about his day.  It had been a good one.  Oh where did that baby go? 

He had snack (could I please pack 2 fruit roll ups - one for snack and one for lunch?), and saw two movies.  Ate lunch with all his friends (chowed on his PB&J, water, grapes, rice cake and left the carrots) and did 2 sheets of classwork.  He likes his teacher and the new covered big kid playground is pretty cool to play on (even in 104 degree weather!). 

We went for celebratory ice cream and then picked out "Stingy Surfer Raccoon", crab #2, who now sports 2 crazy eyes and 2 sparkly stars (we glued them on his shell).

Cyndi, Dick, Jen and Babies came for chicken tacos, chuuuumpagne, and cake and the babies and the rest of us all sang "Happy 1st Day of School to You".

His first homework assignment is due on's a poster "God made me special".  We have already started working on it.  It calls for a baby picture and a current picture.  Today he selected the baby picture he wanted to put on the poster.  It's amazing just 5 and half years ago, I held this little boy in the palm of my hand.  Oh geez, here I go again, where are the tissues?

Thank you all for your love, support and prayers.