She is sweet like chocolate, and as pleasant as a sunrise.
Warm like a thick quilt and as strong as an ancient pillar.
She is beautiful with a face that seems not to age.
Intelligent, with the knowledge of time, and as trusting as a newborn.
She is comfort, with arms that can heal anything.
When all the world seems to have gone array she is serenity.
She is powerful like a fierce storm, yet is as peaceful as the first flurry.
Forgiveness that knows no boundaries.
She is as original as a work of art with talent like no other.
Words of wisdom that all should hear.
She is loyal to friends and family when all is in chaos.
And keeps her head straight when it seems like a lost cause.
She is always giving and never selfish.
With confident strides, you will never see weakness.
She never burdens with her true wants.
She is someone to be idolized, to envy, and to praise.
I’ve put her on a pedestal,
She is…my Mother.
(December 25, 1998)